Monday, August 11, 2008


I hate when people do this so I feel bad doing this. I'm moving. There I said it. Some international freaks took advantage of my absent-mindedness and bought my expired domain. So since I don't have, I took this as a chance to do something different. I bought and I've installed Wordpress to drive the site. So while I'm playing over there, I'll probably not update here.

For those of you who used my recipes page (you know who you are [cara])-- i've posted those as entries. you can look through the category or use the search feature to find what you're looking for. i'll keep play and add more stuff.

hope to see you there...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

where did May go? can i have some back?

i'm not sure where the month has gone. well, i knew where it's gone.. i've been consumed by work: finishing the semester, getting ready for summer, getting things ready for Fall because once graduation is over everyone who can, flees until just before the start of classes.

we have also done a few fun things not work related. let me see, in no particular order:

1. was tested for carbon monoxide poisoning at a friends house after a lovely dinner and a glass of wine. the firemen who came wanted to know if they could join us next time-- for the wine, not the carbon monoxide poisoning. we were all fine, and it was actually fun in their back yard with their two dogs, their cat and braut.

2. caught up on a few movies... we went to the theater to see Iron Man when it came out and Indiana Jones this weekend. We also saw No Country for Old Men, Dan in Real Life and Juno-- thank you Netflix!

3. i got some baby time in with my friend Katherine's daughter one Sunday afternoon before she came down with pneumonia. poor child has been sick her whole life.

4. shopping, shopping, shopping. it's a fun side effect of loosing weight, but i will say it's a bit annoying no matter what size. i did buy a nice barn coat from LLBean this weekend-- it was on clearance for $20, and it'll be a nice light coat to get me through the first part of next fall until i find a new coat.

5. travel planning. for my trip to Tacoma in June as well as for the Browning/Bozeman visit later in June. mom and dad are making their annual pilgrimage to see the grand-dog and my sister and brother-in-law decided to join them. i've been looking at things to do while they're here since i doubt they'd like to stay at my house and paint my bedroom or do other chores.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

40 in 4

I'm pretty excited-- last night i weighed in at 40.6 pounds less than i did at the first meeting i went to on january 3 of this year. FOURTY pounds in FOUR months. Seriously, that's freaking cool. I'm so proud of myself (as i sit at my desk eating wasa crackers, laughing cow light cheese, carrots, celery, a banana, apple sauce and a caramel fiber one bar). we've changed our habits for eating and exercise, and it's honestly not been that difficult. sure i sometimes miss eating a half pound of cheese with wine before dinner, but i feel so much better for not doing that.

kelvin has his weigh-in next week for the biggest loser competition at work. i haven't seen anyone else who's participating, but i'm guessing he could take the big prize. i'll let you know.

Monday, April 28, 2008

weekend in DC

I have fun stories and pictures to post tonight or tomorrow, but as I was importing photos from my phone, I came across this other photo of K & I just before Christmas. Wow. What a difference a few months makes. I almost hate to leave this up here, but it does make me realize how good we've been this year. Two-thousand eight is obviously treating us well.

I did post some photos to my Flickr account. I'm still waiting for a few others that are on other cameras-- especially the photo of me with of Black Eyed Peas fame.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

jet set

i like to travel. i'd even go so far as to say i love to travel. but i'm tired of travel at the moment. i was in San Francisco week before last and I've been at Washington & Lee in Lexington, Va since sunday at the instructional technology leaders meeting. i'm waiting in the airport here in Roanoke (thank you for free wireless) waiting on my flight to Colorado Springs where i'll be for the rest of the week. one positive things is that i do get to see a friend from college that i haven't seen in years.

Monday, April 07, 2008


I know several of you are keeping up with this now that I've been posting a little more often, so my apologies for being incognito this week. I was in one of my favorite cities, San Francisco, for the NITLE Summit. It was a great trip. Since I still hang on to bits of my introvert self, it's nice to go to a conference and have some previous relationships to pick up from.

Maybe the highlight of the conference sessions was the keynote on Friday. Michael Wesch, an assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State is someone I've been watching for a while. He has a Digital Ethnography Working Group that has produced some interesting videos that explore the anthropological side of things I'm interested in-- the influence of technology on human interaction.

I of course love the city so any time we weren't doing conference things i was out exploring. I finally made it out to Alcatraz. It's one of those things I've wanted to do and haven't made the time or let the weather get in the way or waited too long to buy tickets. Not this time. I bought tickets on Wednesday after we arrived for Thursday and we lucked out with the weather. It was a beautiful day and the experience was great. I posted a few pictures in Flickr, but don't expect photo greatness; I took them with my iPhone. I posted my favorite here, and you can see the rest on your own.

Friday, March 28, 2008

gnu favorite snack

Since I've been changing my eating habits it's been important to find good things I can eat on the run, and I thought I'd share one of my new favorites. They're hard to find, but much better for me than a bag of cheetos or some other nonsense.

Gnu foods makes these flavor & fiber bars that are pretty yummy. Today I finished sampling all the flavors, and my favorite is the Banana Walnut. I think second favorite may be the orange cranberry. They are difficult to find; I was able to get chocolate and orange cranberry at a Trader Joe's but to get the others we went to The Vitamin Shoppe.